Taylor Kuehl Signature


I used to love writing in school, but it has been years since I've created any writing piece. I guess through blogging I can express myself and I could literally ramble all day, every day about this thing that I'm so passionate about. Racing, of course. Here's my first blog. Enjoy!


The off-season... Us drivers, mechanics, and teams get to take a break from the constant go-go-go we do when it's race-season. In a way I have more down time. I am not traveling, working on the car after work for long periods of time, stressing about getting to the track on time and making sure I've got everything I need done and with me. However, it's different for me. I still get home from work every day and think about racing. How can I promote my partners when I'm not racing? How can I promote myself to reach the audience I desire? Who can I reach out to next to further my career/interest in racing? These are still things I consider when racing season is in full force, but I'm not tripping over my feet to get these things in line.

Firstly, social media is a great avenue for promoting my race team. I manage my Taylor Kuehl Racing website, merchandise, Instagram, Tik Tok, and Facebook. It may not seem like much. It's easy, accessible, and I can sit in my bath robe on the couch and create content. But, it's the way of the world nowadays and I have adapted. Everyone is on social media. You might've found this blog through my Facebook page, which is my biggest platform where you can stay updated on my racing journey. You may have gotten here through a Snapchat link I posted, or an instagram story. My point is, I am trying to leverage the world's largest influence and use it to my advantage. Call me lazy, call me lucky (which, I'm very very fortunate. I won't deny that.) but it's the simplest way to keep people involved. I do go above and beyond to create some of the things I put out there, but I have to be creative to stand out. Those take time to create. 

If you're reading this and you are a driver wondering how you can boost your potential in racing, use social media! It's right at your fingertips. "The ball is in your court." I am not a genius with what I do or post, but most of the time I am professional, I am genuine, and I frequently post. Too often I hear "it's because you are a girl," or similarly, "it's because you are pretty." Well, if that's how I got my following, they probably wouldn't see or know I possess those characteristics had I not been posting constantly. Whatever makes one unique can be used to attract the audience they want or need to reach. And personally, I don't think it is the looks for me. I need support in every way that I can get, because not one person has become successful on their own, with nobody in their corner. I also think it's important to give back and show those people you appreciate the support they offer. It all comes full-circle. (That conversation is for a different blog.)

Not only do I put a big focus on social media, but I have been working on improving my marketing portfolio. It was sent to my marketing-guru friend and the first thing they said was, "nobody wants to read paragraphs on paragraphs, it's too factual... they want to know the 'why.' [Get straight to the point basically]." I like talking! I like human interaction. But it's hard for me to portray my passion for racing on a marketing powerpoint to somebody I don't know. I at least know their company values and goals. That's really all it comes down to. I have to find something I connect to and someone whose values align with mine. For me, that's not hard. Most business owners are older generation, working-class, old-school, and I have some of that in me even though I'm a millennial (queue sad music). My mentality matches up with a lot of business owners, I just don't know the ins and outs of it all. The most important thing for me is being authentic and aligning with someone who can mutually-benefit from my race program. So, my off-season consists of me creating that perfect portfolio, personalized to future-partners. Don't worry, I also get out sometimes and do something fun to keep a fair balance.

Each thing that I focus on outside of the garage and outside of the race car is a vital part of my racing program. I don't have it easy, I just make it easier on myself promoting my racing through different avenues. I work on my own car, I load the trailer, I do tire work, I drive the truck and trailer to and from the track, but there's so much more to the sport than the physical, actual aspects. And I've realized that over the years. Some people haven't. And that's okay. If I really want to make this a success, I'm going to do research and work outside of the car and outside of race season. Now is that time to leverage my off-work hours and work on my writing whether it be here, social media or my portfolio.


Thanks for reading. There's more to come! (if there's reasonable feedback.)

And I would so appreciate your feedback in the comments, constructive criticism encouraged!

Taylor Kuehl

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hunt the front

Mark Rosenbohm

Great read!! Keep em coming. Hammond Motorsports here in Iowa put out a short video on there Facebook page bout right n wrong ways to approach potential sponsors. Check it out :-) Keep Diggin and Tim Nash or Chase Holland or Hunt the Runt should be on speed dial!! lol

Mark Rosenbohm

Hi Taylor!
Love the Blog idea. I’ve been a dirt track fan for over 50 years, and while I love watching I (and maybe others) really don’t know how a (program) works. So some general info worked into your blogs would be insightful. You don’t have to open your spreadsheet to us but, what does a car cost? A Crate motor vs Open motor? Tires and how many races/laps can you get? Sponsorship and how it works, one check or provisions during the season? Back in the old days guys just raced on the weekends but now people like yourself are trying to race for a living so that changes things and I thought it might be fun to learn some of the behind the scenes stuff. Loved watching you race this year and have fun in Texas!

Jeff Tjelta

I look forward to your blogs. You are an inspirational person and your attitude toward achieving your goals is what will drive ( pardon the pun ) you to success. Good Ethics and Positivity will provide you the Good Karma you deserve. Keep it up.

Kevin Majeski

You are truly an amazing person!! You rock at whatever you do! 👊🏁. You have a ton of supportive people all around you!


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